is the band's percussionist and drummer. She began her musical career in high school fronting the power trio Sally and the Hell-Tones, which later achieved some brief national recognition as the opening act for Commander Co-Dependent and the Lost Planet Airheads.
After doing penance for 5 years as a music major, she went on the road with the all-female heavy metal/thrash band Roller Maidens from Outer Space. The band opened for GWAR on their Mutter's Spiral Tour, but abruptly broke what they saw as a rather unreasonable contract when the manager demanded they continue with the Cosmic Drain Tour. The band dispersed, and Sally went into hiding as a graduate student at Indiana University until the whole ugly incident blew over and the manager was safely in cold sleep between galaxies.
Accepting the coveted Peter Schickele Chair of Music at the University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople, Dr. Childs-Helton founded the internationally known Center for the Prevention and Correction of Rhythmic Dysfunctionality. After losing funding from the NEA and the NSF for promoting rhythmic activity in unmarried yough, Sally returned to her Southern roots as the music director for Heritage U.S.A. and the PTL network, but suddenly lost her job when her early work with the Hell-Tones surfaced.
Simultaneously hiding out and doing penance with the sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Consternation, she emerged to join the Black Book Band during their Live and Unrehearsed Tour. When not playing music, Sally's hobbies are gardening, corrupting the youth of America, searching for the unified field theory, and demolition derby racing.
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